Steering Clear in Sikeston
June 30, 2024
Those who know vehicles believe the steering system may be the most vital component of them all. Perhaps you've found over the years your steering has gotten loose. Or maybe suddenly, your steering wheel has gotten very hard to turn. Let's steer you in the direction of understanding why this may ... More

Go Straight: Wheel Alignment for Sikeston Automobiles
June 23, 2024
Sikeston drivers may have an alignment problem if their car drifts or pulls to one side, the steering wheel's off center, they notice uneven tire wear or the car doesn't feel like it handles right as they drive down Sikeston, Missouri, streets and roads.When all of a vehicle's wheels are lined up... More

The Charlie's Fast Lube Sikeston Guide to Saving Fuel: Beware of Myths
June 16, 2024
There's a lot of auto advice in Missouri right now on how to save money on gas. Some of it is good advice. Some of it isn't. Some of it is myth. And it may well be a scam. Plain and simple. When someone offers you a product designed to save money on gas, ask yourself, Does this sound too good to ... More

Full of Hot Air (Air Conditioning)
June 9, 2024
In warm weather, you want to be in a cool vehicle. When we're talking cool, we don't mean stylish or trendy, but cool as in not sweltering inside. And if your vehicle's air conditioner stops working correctly, it seems to always break at the worst timeduring a heat wave. Automotive air conditio... More

Steering You Right (Power Steering Signs of Problems)
June 2, 2024
Nearly every modern vehicle on the road today has power steering, a wonderful invention that makes steering take far less effort than it did in the "good old days." Today, we take our steering for granted: until something goes wrong, that is. Most power steering these days is rack-and-pinion, th... More